Friday, April 15, 2011

Pre-exam etc etc!!

Have you ever felt like the captain of the Indian Cricket team or the Pakistani Cricket team just before an India Pakistan match or did you ever try feeling like that? Considering the recent events everyone would want to be Dhoni, but let me tell you, it's not going to be fun at all! Imagine the whole team is going to look up to you, or rather the whole nation(only if you win), but if you lose, then God save you! You will be subjected to criticism, abuse, slander and it will take you several years to redeem yourself. Thus being the captain,you can experience either 'breathtaking highs' or 'heartbreaking lows'. If you are wondering how stressful and or exciting it must be to have such an experience, then I would say, you don't need to be Dhoni or Afridi really. You can be yourself and go through an equally stressful experience. Remember your 4th or 7th Std Scholarship exam, 10th Std , 12th Std, CET(Med/Eng/Architecture), JEE, every semester or quarterly exam or even the smallest of quizes that you have faced? You had a cheering and competitive audience around you, a caring mother, a strict father, a noisy brother/sister, a sweet and relaxed grandmother, attractions, distractions, aspirations, procrastinations, headaches, palpitations..If I ask you to make a list of pre-exam emoticons, pre-exam blog, pre-exam songs, pre-exam chat rooms, pre-exam bathroom schedules(what are you talking about?? I never wasted time there thinking..I am not crazy :D...), pre-exam clothes, pre-exam  food and pre-exam TV shows, there will be a very interesting list from each one of us. Our idiosyncrasies at their best!  There is a page on FB- 'Everything else becomes so much more interesting during exams!!' I think all of us (with the exceptions of Sheldon Cooper replicas) should 'like' or 'superlike' that page :D. Well, during the world cup we 'bled blue', during exams we 'bleed rainbow colours'...
If you were from India giving an exam, then 50% of your time-you would be cramming, 10% of the time you would fear that you have forgotten what you have crammed 3 days ago, 20% of the time you would be spending over the phone discussing with your friend how much he/she has finished learning and with relatives   who think that their wishes are going to change the world for you. The remaining 20% would be sleeping, daydreaming, and being pampered by your mom or grandmom. For Americans, the scenario is slightly different, they are trained to multitask, having a job, living on their own and also their system of education demands learning through practical experience rather than cramming. But I know for a fact that they also cram and most of their exams have questions repeated from the previous ones. 
So till the nail-biting finish is finally reached, you feel burned out, and you realise that a month has passed away just giving exams. So, I feel that everyone should develop a novel way to scrape through exams 'stress free'. I know I used to get worried for exams 8 weeks in advance!! Feels ridiculous now, but I feel that it was a waste of time. But well, I sometimes think of crazy things that one could do to get rid of exam stress. 
Eg: plant a sapling, sing out aloud, kick the wall hard, try to make funny expressions standing in front of the mirror or even photograph them, play with kids and go to your terrace to look at the moon. I used to feel like cleaning the house, washing vessels, making chapatis, and last but not the least- dreaming of being a housewife everyday till the exam got done:)) What kinda stress is this?? Let me tell you, these exams would enable you get a good career ahead, but you would have lost out on a lot of things which would make you a happy soul! So guys and gals, and twinkies to be- you really don't want to be 23 and feel like you are 16 again right? So develop the right the exam stressbusters for yourself which won't let you lose yourself, or let others judge you for who you are! Try making a list of things you enjoy and schedule them during your pre-exam days. Exam days pass easily revising everything, but it's the pre-exam stress that gets to you, so my friends try to think of nice fun things that you could do before exams without letting them affect your performance and post them here as your comments!! :)) 

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